An Ode To My Old Pains

Photo by Joe Yates on Unsplash

To all the pain I didn’t know I still had:

I see you; I feel you; I take you. 

I navigate through you with the kindness

And the protective love of a nurturing mother,

Who loves her creation despite any tribulations.

I allow you, old pain, to run your course,

Through my veins, my blood, my organs, my whole body,

As you express loudly to me what you want me to hear.

I bless you, old friend, for your voice;

For your lessons;

For your willingness to die so I can be free.

But instead of vanishing completely out of existence,

Why don’t you come with me, old friend?

Do you want to hold my hand?

Why don’t you accompany me on a beautiful walk

Through a valley, a sun-kissed sanctuary of grace,

Where both of us can just co-exist?

You must understand, once and for all,

That you shall not disappear out of the blue,

And leave me empty-nested and alone.

What would be of me without you after all?

You must understand, that instead of dying,

You can marry my joy for life.

Joy runs freely through my body and soul.

So be with her, and teach her what you know. 

Then listen to her, encourage her, and smile at her.

This way, you both will soon become one, 

And you, old pain, can be again what you have always been:

An important experience — and nothing beyond that. 

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